Django Rest Framework vs Django Ninja: Choosing the Right Framework for Your API


Emmanuel Olakunle
3 min readNov 16, 2023


When it comes to building robust and efficient APIs in the Django ecosystem, developers often find themselves choosing between Django Rest Framework (DRF) and Django Ninja. Both frameworks offer powerful tools to streamline API development, but they have distinct features and philosophies that cater to different needs. Let's delve into a comparison to help you make an informed decision.

Django Rest Framework (DRF)


DRF is a widely used and mature framework that has been a staple in the Django community for years. It provides a set of tools for building Web APIs on top of Django, making it a popular choice for developers aiming for stability and a proven track record.

Key Features:

1. Serialization: DRF excels in object serialization, allowing easy conversion between complex data types and Python objects.
2. Authentication and Permissions: It provides a robust authentication system with various built-in authentication classes. The permission system is flexible, allowing fine-grained control over who can access what.
3. Browsable API: DRF offers a browsable and interactive API, making it easier for developers to understand and test their APIs directly from the browser.


1. Boilerplate Code: Some developers argue that DRF can introduce boilerplate code, making simple tasks seem more complex than necessary.
2. Synchronous: DRF primarily relies on synchronous views, which might not be suitable for certain high-concurrency scenarios.

Django Ninja


Django Ninja is a relatively newer framework designed to be fast, easy to use, and asynchronous. It leverages Python’s asyncio features to handle concurrent requests efficiently.

Key Features:

1. Fast Execution: Django Ninja is built with performance in mind, making it a great choice for projects with high concurrency requirements.
2. Async Support: It fully embraces asynchronous programming, allowing developers to write non-blocking code, which can lead to improved scalability.
3. Automatic Documentation: Django Ninja generates interactive API documentation automatically using Swagger UI or ReDoc.


1. Less Mature: Compared to DRF, Django Ninja is less mature, which means it might have fewer third-party packages and community support.
2. Less Flexibility: While Django Ninja is powerful for certain use cases, it might be less flexible for complex scenarios that require extensive customization.

Choosing the Right Framework:

Use Django Rest Framework if:
- You prioritize a mature and well-established framework.
- Built-in features like browsable API and robust authentication are crucial for your project.
- Synchronous views meet your project’s requirements.

Use Django Ninja if:
- High performance and asynchronous support are top priorities.
- You prefer a framework with automatic API documentation generation.
- You are starting a new project and want a framework with a more modern approach.


In conclusion, both Django Rest Framework and Django Ninja have their strengths, and the choice depends on your project's specific requirements and your preferred development style. Consider the trade-offs between maturity, ease of use, and performance to make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals.



Emmanuel Olakunle

I am a learning backend engineer (Python (Django and flask frameworks). I hope to make a positive influence on you by sharing my learning experience. Stay tuned